How Can You Be a Part of the Ongoing Recovery in Nepal?
The Kathmandu Mini Maker Faire hosted last month at Nepal Communitere was, by every measure, a massive success. With over 1500 participants and 30 makers working together over the two-day event, it was proved, once again, that a true difference can be made when we work in collaboration with the community to provide what they need and want. You can find out all the details of the event here. We promise, you will love the ingenuity, enthusiasm and happy faces at this event!
But the Kathmandu Mini Maker Faire was just the beginning for Nepal Communitere and the inspired – and inspiring! – community it serves in Kathmandu. Bringing the ethos of making to Nepalis as the path to rebuilding their country and their lives, encouraging their sense of community, and empowering them to bring meaningful change is at the heart of what Communitere does.
Nepal Communitere is a unique resource in Nepal, a place where experimentation and innovation thrive. Now, to continue to provide these much needed resources, Nepal Communitere is embarking on the final build-out of their space and launching a crowdfunding campaign to help them get there!
Funds raised in this campaign will be used to complete their Makerspace, Training Hall and co-working spaces. They’re also going to expand and complete their super cool Cargo Café & Bar, a revenue generating endeavor that will put Nepal Communitere on a self-sustaining path. When you donate, you can see exactly how your money will be spent … and you can even designate which project you’d like to support!
You can learn more about Nepal Communitere’s exciting plans and make your donation here. And please follow their progress on Nepal Communitere’s Facebook page and watch for pop-up perks you can claim when you make your donation!
The Nepal Communitere Resource Center and the services it provides is only made possible through the generous donations of supporters around the world. Please consider becoming a part of – or continuing to be a part of! – their work by making a contribution.