Mobile Resource Center Journey to Thessaloniki

Greece Communitere has sourced a van and trailer in Berlin and are working to bring them to Greece.

Mission: to drive the van, Big Blue & trailer over the course of 9-days, covering 2000km from Berlin to Thessaloniki. Along the way, we will bring international community members together to build it out into a fully functioning Mobile Resource Unit, raise awareness of the refugee crisis, and host “Week of Welcome” dinners in line with World Refugee Day, to facilitate connections and open critical conversations in solidarity with those who are not able to freely cross borders.

“Big Blue” our hauling van, courtesy of the Global Innovation Gathering

Communitere will be arriving in Berlin on June 7th. Together with the Global Innovation Gathering and Fab Lab Siegen, we are looking to leverage the help & support of a growing network of makers, corporations, and sponsors, coupled with collaborative local and global community involvement. We will be stopping at key places along the way, to conduct collaborative workshops, pop-up DIY maker events, and tool drives and to host community dinners.

Tentative route map

Along the way, we will be sharing stories & knowledge about refugee communities, resilience, crisis response and new contexts for innovation and cross-cultural collaboration.

Our timeline: from June 7th, arrival in Berlin, to participate in the Berlin Maker Faire June 10 – 11, our kick off event on June 11th – and hitting the road on June 12 – to reach Thessaloniki on June 21st. Our project just happens to coincide with the National Week of Making, as well as World Refugee Day on June 20th. The Discovery Channel Digital’s show “In the Making”, is documenting the entire journey. If you are along the route, we hope you will join us! Follow along on Twitter at @INTcommunitere or @LabMobil, as well as